Activities 2011
Course on Security and International Relations PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 07 April 2012 00:00

Upon the proposal of the Atlantic Committee of Italy, in March 2011, EACM together with ATA Italy organized a course on security and international relations that took place at the FON University in Skopje.

Dynamic summer for YATA Macedonia PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 07 April 2012 00:00

During the summer period the Youth of the Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia was active in several fields. Among the other activities, the youth had a possibility to participate at different regional and international seminars, such as REACT 2011 and DAYS 2011.

NATO Student Simulation in KOSOVO PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 07 April 2012 00:00

Considering the interest from the simulation, YATA Macedonia on August 24th, organized a student simulation for the students in Kosovo. The event was organized during the „Summer Academy for North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and European Union Common Foreign and Security Policy studies.

Macedonia joins NATO PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 07 April 2012 00:00

Macedonia is 29th member state of NATO! The ministers of foreign affairs of NATO's member states today unanimously extended an invitation for Macedonia to become a member of the Atlantic Alliance. The possible invitation for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro will be reviewed at the following meeting in 2012.

NATO Student Simulation: Meeting of NATO ministers of foreign affairs PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 07 April 2012 00:00

On 1st October 2011 Youth of the Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia organized a second NATO Student Simulation in Macedonia named - NATO Enlargement and the Western Balkans

The event was practically a simulation of a NATO meeting of ministers of foreign affairs, on which was discusses on the NATO enlargement, the NATO open door policy (Article 10 of the Washington Treaty ) as well as the prospects for extending invitation to membership to the current aspiring countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro.


