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Addressing remarks - H.E. Fatmir Besimi, Phd, Minister of Defence in the Republic of Macedonia PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 07 November 2011 00:00

“Public Promotion of the NATO Smart Defence Model”
Organized by: Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia
21 November 2011, Army Hall, Skopje

Honored President of the Euro-Atlantic Council Mr. Elenovski,

Honored Excellencies ambassadors,

Distinguished MPs,

Distinguished officers,

Honored representatives of the media,

Dear friends,

Allow me to firstly extend my gratitude for the invitation of the Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia and the possibility given to speak on a very current topic in NATO – Smart Defence. EACM has always been a leader in the promotion and initiating debates for the values of the Alliance, its development and transformation, as well as for the preparations of the Republic of Macedonia for NATO membership. I would like to thank the EACM for their efforts in organizing this important debate, as well as to the ambassadors of the Kingdom of Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the French Republic for their support for this event.

Furthermore, I am very satisfied because at this debate we have MPs, officers in the Army of the Republic of Macedonia, representatives of the Universities, the media, students and the Youth of the Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia because these are the people with whom we can speak for the understanding of the new concept of NATO, the Smart Defence, as well as for its acceptance and inclusion into the defence policy of the Republic of Macedonia.

The integration of the Republic of Macedonia into NATO represents a high political priority of this country. In order to fulfill that objective, we are continuously putting long-term efforts in all the areas: politics, economy, defence and security.

Macedonia has met all the criteria for NATO membership and is completely ready to undertake the responsibilities and the obligations that arise from the membership in the Alliance. Awaiting the invitation for NATO membership, we continue our national preparations which includes following the development of the new concepts in the Alliance and their implementation, as well as its transformation. In that spirit, we need a broader debate for the innovative idea/concept called Smart Defence in the very beginning of its development as a strategic leader in the countries of NATO in managing both modern challenges: how to achieve bigger security with limited resources that are approved and committed to the defence, as well as investing enough in order to be prepared in future.

Lessons learned from the history taught us that the times of economic crisis represent a possibility for appearance of new ideas and concepts that will enable us with a more rational behavior and better results. In that spirit, we can speak about three concepts of Smart Defence: development of bigger operative capabilities, stronger coordination between member-states and partners and strong commitment for contribution to the Euro-Atlantic security and stability. In their essence, the achievement of these concepts means mutual investment in the secure future.

In the perspective of the Republic of Macedonia and the Western Balkans it is necessary to seek a response to the question: How can the new concept be applied on national level and what can we do more in the further development of the regional operative capabilities and contribution into the operations led by NATO/

First, we need a development of bigger operative capabilities in terms of economic crisis:

The requests of the international operations are the most relevant analysis and assessment of the needs for the most appropriate military capabilities. To us, the lessons learned from the contribution to ISAF and Freedom for Iraq, have impacted the determinations regarding what deployable capabilities are we going to develop in mid/long-term. More specific, in the NATO reservoir for deployable interoperable capabilities we declared: one infantry battalion group, one middle infantry battalion, one chopper detachment and several smaller units and teams. Today, about 30% of the capacities of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia are interoperable and deployable beyond the national territory, and our ambitions are to increase them by 50% in the following ten years.

However, together with the other countries of A-5 group (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro) we can do more than just these ambitions. The beginnings are very encouraging. This year, in the format of A5 + Slovenia we have begun a joint participation in the School for military police of Afghanistan with instructors of the military police. This means joint preparations and pre-deployment training. In the period 2003 – 2008, Macedonia, Albania and Croatia had successful joint participation in ISAF with one common medical team.

According to our joint analysis for the possibilities in the development of joint regional capacities for training we can make significant progress. For several years there is an ongoing progress in the formation of regional training centers. Macedonia offered the Army polygon Krivolak, one Center for media training and one center for medical training. In these centers, we have invested significant resources with support from Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands, the U.S., Switzerland and other countries. With stronger inclusion of the countries from the region in these centers, that would signify decrease in their expenses for development of such centers for training back home. Also, Macedonia is prepared to participate in the development of specific centers for training in other countries from the region, as well as their use. One good story is the regional center RACVIAC in Zagreb, and another in the Center for peace-keeping operations in Sarajevo.

The experts of Macedonia and NATO work jointly on a Study for air policing. One of the possible solutions is application of the model of the Baltic countries.

Secondly, we need a bigger connectivity between member states and partners:

Macedonia, Albania and Croatia, as candidates for NATO membership and as member-states of A3 have reached a significant level of connectivity and cooperation in the defence. Starting from the shared values and practices, we shared the national challenges of the defence reforms, the common training has become a regular practice, and the further common contribution in operations is a plan that can be realized. The same approach is applied in the initiative A5.

Moreover, the connectivity of the countries from SEE through the regional mechanisms for cooperation such as SEDM and SEEBRIG represent a benefit for the whole region.

The partners in ISAF are continuously giving a very valuable contribution. The cooperation with the partners needs to be broadened and deepened. Macedonia supports the policy for widening the network of NATO partnerships.

Third, a strong commitment:

The contribution to the Euro-Atlantic security represents investment in our own national security. Starting from its independence, Macedonia is confirming continuously its commitment to the values and interests of the Alliance.

Our significant and long-term contribution to ISAF, as well as the support for KFOR is the most pragmatic demonstration of this commitment. Also, on this occasion I have an obligation to emphasize the logistic support of the United Kingdom, the U.S., Germany, Turkey, Greece and Croatia for our contingents in ISAF.

Another aspect of our commitment is the area of reforms in the defence whose goal is the development and maintenance of bigger and more qualitative interoperable capabilities.

Honored friends,

The goals of the innovative idea Smart Defence: bigger capabilities, stronger mutual connectivity and strong commitment represent a rational direction for re-evaluation of the national defence policies and their adjustment towards the requests of the future challenges and operations. At the forthcoming NATO Summit in Chicago 2012 we should expect the innovative idea of Secretary General Rasmussen to become the policy of the Alliance for the further investments in modern military capabilities and to improve the mechanisms for its implementation. Then, the role of the Smart Defence will be to enable the NATO member-states to work better jointly, to be more effective and more efficient.

The Republic of Macedonia, being a small country and a future NATO member state can keep a small reservoir of specific operative capabilities. I am convinced that the new NATO concept for Smart Defence may be successfully applied on regional level i.e. that the A5 countries can together make much more. As ministers of defence, we have a commitment to create a new political will, trust and resource in order to make it possible.

translation from Macedonian: Stefanija Madzoska


